Whether your dentist recommended dentures or you’re interested in replacing some or all of your teeth, you may wonder how long it takes to get permanent dentures. While permanent dentures are a long-term solution to missing teeth, getting permanent dentures crafted and fitted to your mouth is not a short process. Getting dentures can be long, from removing any remaining teeth and waiting for the extractions to heal to crafting and molding your new dentures. Thankfully, there are some solutions to help you wait for your new dentures.
What to Expect When Getting Dentures
If you’re interested in permanent dentures, your dentist will take measurements of your mouth and determine which teeth you need to remove, if applicable. If you are looking for a partial set of dentures or a more permanent dental bridge, your dentist will work with you to plan for the healing and crafting period of the process.
Your dentist will schedule any extractions they need to do and make sure to leave time for healing between visits. Waiting for the swelling to go down and your jawbone to heal is crucial to making well-fitting dentures. Otherwise, your dentures will slide around and cause issues. A good set of professional permanent dentures are well-fitted to your jaw, allowing you to use them like your natural teeth.
Once the denture lab finishes your custom-made dentures, your dentist will schedule a fitting to ensure everything fits correctly. If there is added space under your dentures, or they are too tight, they may need remolding to fit your mouth better. Loose dentures can allow bacterial growth, while tight dentures can lead to sores and infection. Ideally, your dentures should sit comfortably and naturally in your mouth, though it can take a few weeks to adjust to eating with your dentures.
How Long Do Permanent Dentures Take?
Once your dentist has your measurements, these are sent to a denture lab. The denture lab is responsible for creating and crafting your new dentures, but this process can take time. Your dentures can take anywhere from six weeks to three months to prepare, not including refitting and molding time once your jaw heals. During this period, your dentist may recommend one-day dentures to tide you over while you wait.
If you’re getting a complete set of permanent dentures, you’ll need a chewing surface while you wait. This is where one-day or temporary dentures come into play. One-day dentures are made to use as soon as your teeth are removed and are a temporary solution while you wait for your permanent dentures. While these dentures are not as comfortable as your permanent dentures, they allow you to go back to eating like normal and help bridge the gap between dental extraction and permanent dentures.
If you’re interested in learning more about denture care, call our office at (845) 434-1202 or set up an appointment online. Here at South Fallsburg Dental, we prioritize patient comfort during the entire denture process and work hard to offer comfortable, natural-feeling solutions for full and partial denture patients.